Setup an Active Directory Lab Environment
Building an Active Directory lab is easy and is a great way to learn, test and troubleshoot Active Directory. Lets dive right in. Active Directory Lab Environment Overview: This guide will cover the following. Create an Isolated network using network. The Active Directory test network will not have access to other networks or […]
Intune powershell script that gets Windows device compliance state based on UPN list
You can use the following PowerShell script to easily get Windows device compliance state from Intune based on a CSV user principal name list. This Powershell script connects to Microsoft Graph Intune and gets information from Intune Windows devices like “userPrincipalName”, “deviceName”, “complianceState”. Then imports a CSV file with user principal names list and […]
Install all RSAT tools via PowerShell
You can use the following one line of PowerShell to easily install all of the available Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) in one go. I end up running this after every Windows feature update. Saves wasting time with a GUI. Open an admin PowerShell prompt get-WindowsCapability -Name RSAT* -Online | Add-WindowsCapability -Online Individuals Tools […]